Friday, October 19, 2007

Reflection Class 10.18

Will in the post-colonialism group presentation addressed Muppidi's belief articulated in The Politics of The Global that we are moving towards a post-colonial world order. This infers that we are not quite there yet.

I can comprehend Muppidi's assertion, but I question its value. If we have three main uses of IR theory, (critique, tool, everyday practice) how relevant is one that addresses a system that fails to exist? True, post-colonialism can shed light on the relationships between states in the future and perhaps predict explanations for states' behavior and development patterns. This theory is, however, unable to explain the current system and does not clarify day to day events.

I just find this theory to be too philosophical and abstract. I also hear dependencia rhetoric when we read/ discuss post-colonialism. I believe this theory is less causal than dependencia, but nonetheless, I still am keying into the principals that the West is modern and imposing their views and their course of development on the colonized or LDCs.

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