Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Carr Article [Yoo, Week 2, Substantive]

After reading Carr's article, I did some googling about the League of Nations. Specifically, I wanted to know more about the League because of Carr's suggestion that it failed because of power politics. I wanted to give myself a reminder of the w's of the League, and the content of the time period. A small detail I found intriguing was that the members of the League were unable to agree on even a symbol or flag for the institution. What a way to illegitimate a "global" institution! I thought this detail neatly packaged exactly what Carr was suggesting throughout his article; Power politics play a dominant role in international relations. States primarily focus on gaining, or at least preventing the loss, of their power.
Going off tangent, but for some reason I am reminded of the LEFT BEHIND book series by evangelical writers Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. In case you haven't heard of them, they are a series of books about the Tribulation. Millions and millions of people vanish because of the Rapture, and the people remaining on Earth are left asking themselves what the hell happened. In the midst of this, a world government is formed. The "Global Community" becomes the prime center of power, and surprisingly the people of the world accept it, hoping for peace. Of course, not everybody is. World War III occurs because the American president finds it unacceptable to hand over a majority chunk of arms to the GC government. The war ends with a GC victory. The GC becomes a legitimate government, with the arms, soldiers, and funds to actually carry out what it wishes to do. A single world religion is formed, and the world is united under a single leader, the Antichrist at that.
After reading Carr's article, I think a world government like the GC is definitely impossible without a huge change in how our world is constructed. The dramatic events in the LEFT BEHIND series could only occur because of such a thing as the Rapture. In order for there to be consensus between all states, each state must give up some of its power. So will there ever be a world government? I guess only a Rapture can answer that question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting connection - I didn't know about this book.