Friday, October 26, 2007

Making fun of 'The It' [Yoo, Week 7, Dialogue]

I wonder if its possible to come to a valid conclusion about gender. I mean, I am a male, so I've grown up learning masculine expectations. I've grown so accustomed to them; it seems natural, regardless of whether I agree or disagree. Its not about me agreeing or disagreeing, its just essential.

Interesting but horrible story: At Pandini's, my friends and I always make fun of one of the workers. Why? Because we cannot determine his/her sex. We call him/her 'the it' and we laugh about it as if its the most hilarious thing in the world. YES, we are being insensitive jerks, but I think everyone can relate. When we are confronted with something unknown, its only natural that we become uncomfortable with it. Maybe if we lived in a society that was less pro or anti, 'the it' wouldn't have to deal with our snickering. What would the women do?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent point Deme. What do we do when confronted with the unknown? Let's talk about it in class?