Thursday, September 13, 2007

Doyle- Liberalism and World Politics

Week 3

Doyle evaluates three theorists who hold different views of liberalism; Schumpeter’s beliefs are in line with liberal pacifism, Machivelli’s with liberal imperialsm and Kant’s with liberal internationalism.

Schumpeter believes that capitalism and democracy lead to liberal pacifism. He argues that capitalism brings about economic rationalism and as a result, democratic capitalism leads to peace. According to Schumpeter, no democracy would pursue the minority interest, war profiteers and the elite, and tolerate the high costs associated with imperialism. Minorities like monopolists would encourage imperial expansion to gain access to more markets, but rational citizens would not allow this to be pursued. He has three main pacifist assumptions: there is no room for non-economic objectives for individuals, there is no room for non-economic objectives for states, and that world politics are homogenized.

Machievelli’s argument greatly differs from Schumpeter as he believes republics are not pacifistic. He contents that republics are actually the best mode of expansionism. Liberty associated with the free republic encourages increased population and property. He believes that citizens are all, in effect, trying to dominate others despite the facts that their goals are diverse.

Kant’s view of liberal internationalism stresses the belief that liberal states have created a peace among themselves. He believes perpetual peace will occur with a republic guided by a constitution, the formation of alliances between free states, and cosmopolitan law. Kant believes that cosmopolitan law adds material incentives to moral commitments. In his opinion, the market removes decisions of production and distribution from the realm of the state. Kant believes the interconnectedness of these characteristics will help sustain liberal peace.

I think there is merit to each argument. I believe that these arguments are not necessarily mutually exclusive; within the international system, liberalism can bring about peace, imperialism, and international agreements in different states. I can understand how capitalism and democracy can facilitate peace, but I also see how it has fostered competition and conquest, both militarily and economically.


laurenvolpe said...

I wish someone could teach me to edit after I post! I did not notice the typo in the heading.

Anonymous said...

lauren, to edit your posts you do the following:
once signed in, on top of the blog there should be a link that says "new post". click that.
on top of the place where you put your title, there should be a link that says 'edit posts'. click your blog post and edit.
if this doesn't work let me know and i'll mess with the settings..